Dual Seal Method for the Hermetic Sealing of Microbatteries | MasterBond.com

An adhesive utilized for hermetically sealing batteries must fulfill several criteria, including resistance to chemicals, temperature, pressure, and electricity. It should exhibit minimal outgassing, low moisture permeability, high adhesion to packaging materials, and suitable modulus and thermal expansion properties. This adhesive must not contaminate the battery's electrolyte, either during curing or through chemical degradation over the battery's lifespan.

The adhesive's rheological properties, such as wetting and adhesion, are crucial for ensuring a continuous, impermeable seal. Additionally, the adhesive must maintain its integrity over a wide temperature range, necessitating strong adhesion to the battery casing, defect-free application, and a coefficient of thermal expansion compatible with temperature variations during battery operation.

Learn more about the requirements, applications and challenges involving the adhesive specifications for the hermetic sealing of microbatteries in this white paper.


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