NASA Low Outgassing | MasterBond.com

NASA Low Outgassing CertifiedThe industry standard test for measuring outgassing in adhesives and other materials is ASTM E595. Developed by NASA to screen low outgassing materials for use in space, the test determines the volatile content of material samples placed in a heated vacuum chamber. Samples to be tested are first preconditioned at 50% relative humidity for 24 hours and then weighed. Following this, they go into the test chamber for another 24 hours with the temperature set at 125°C and the vacuum at a minimum of 5x10-5 torr. During the time in the test chamber, volatiles that outgas from the sample escape through a port in the test chamber and condense on a cooled (25°C) collector plate. The sample and condensate on the collector plate are then weighed to determine the total mass lost (TML) by the sample and the amount of collected volatile condensable materials (CVCM) on the collector plate. Materials pass or fail the test based on these TML and CVCM measurements. If the CVCM exceeds 0.1%, the material fails. The material will also fail if the TML exceeds 1%—though the TML may be offset by water vapor regained (WVR) by the sample in a subsequent measurement:

  • If CVC <0.1% and TM < 1%, the material passes.
  • If CVC <0.1% and TM > 1 %, the material can pass if the TML-WV <1%.
  • If CVC > 0.1% or TML-WV > 1%, the material fails.

If a material passes NASA low outgassing tests, it can be used in a multitude of applications including outer space, high vacuum, specialty optical and electro-optical applications, among others.

Two Component Epoxy Systems:

One Component Epoxy Systems:

UV Curing Systems:

LED Curing Systems:

Electrically Insulating


One Component Silicone Systems:

Two Component Silicone Systems:

Electrically Insulating Electrically Insulating and Thermally Conductive Electrically Conductive

MasterSil 970-LO
MasterSil 971-LO

MasterSil 151TC
MasterSil 323AO-LO
MasterSil 972TC-LO

MasterSil 151S
MasterSil 323S-LO
MasterSil 973S-LO

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