Dr. Walter Brenner: Professional Life | MasterBond.com

Dr. Brenner served as a full professor at NYU for over 20 years teaching chemical engineering. He taught in the uptown campus in the Bronx and later in the downtown campus in Greenwich Village. Dr. Brenner's vast expertise led him to become a highly regarded consultant working for many different companies over his professional career. Some of the top institutions and companies that Dr. Brenner has consulted for:

  • Ciba-Geigy
  • Mitsubishi
  • Toyo-Rayon
  • Brunswick Corporation
  • US Navy
  • US Army @ Picatinny Arsenal
  • US Airforce @ Wright Patterson AFB
  • NASA
  • Cotton Corporation
  • American Anka
  • Akzo Nobel
  • Nissan Chemical
  • Daiwa Spinning
  • Allied Chemical
  • Union Carbide
  • Nisso America
  • JP Stevens
  • Southern Regional Laboratory

In 1976, Dr. Brenner founded a specialty formulation company called Master Bond. Master Bond custom blends specialty systems including adhesives, sealants, coatings and encapsulants that are primarily epoxy based but also a number of UV and silicone systems.

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