Silicones for Liquid Gasketing | MasterBond.com

Liquid Gasketing Sealants

With special systems featuring superior electrical insulation properties, tough, elastomeric silicone compounds may also be formulated for high thermal stability, durability, good adhesion to metal, plastic, ceramic substrates and absorb vibration/shock. They are designed to minimize material consumption, resist environment degradation and provide long term reliability for interior/exterior applications.

One and two component silicone systems offer void free barriers to protect joints against dust, dirt, leakage from oil, air, water pressure. One component systems have rapid tack free times at ambient temperatures. Two component systems are engineered to cure more quickly at elevated temperatures.

Benefits of Liquid Silicone Gaskets Over Precut Conventional Gaskets

  • Simplify design
  • Reduce inventory--do not need to store preformed gaskets
  • Increase seal strength--withstand high pressure
  • Fill gaps, surface irregularities, voids, scratches
  • Labor and cost saving
  • High elongation for micromovement--flexible joints
  • Good compression set resistance
  • Low temperature elasticity
  • High temperature serviceability
  • Prevent gasket slippage
  • Can be used for multiple flange sizes and shapes
  • Can be automatically applied---minimizes sealants consumption
  • Excellent electrical insulation properties
  • Non-flammable (certain grades)
  • Resist aging

Fluorosilicone Gasketing Compounds

Special flourosilicone gasketing compounds were developed to provide enhanced chemical resistance. They will withstand exposure to gasoline, diesel fuel, motor oil, isopropyl alcohol, skydrol 500B and sodium hydroxide 25%. Ideal for the aerospace, automotive, oil/gas processing industries, these products also exhibit high resiliency, resist temperature excursions up to 450°F, aggressive thermal cycling situations and extreme pressure. Job proven, state of the art compositions contribute to design flexibility to meet demanding requirements.

Most Popular Form-in-Place Silicones for Electrical Insulation

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